Investment Opportunity Awaits
Evan James & Associates Opportunity Zone Fund
The Evan James & Associates Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund’s mission is to harness the experience and expertise of its Executive Leadership Team and Advisory Board of Director’s to buy, rehab and build income-producing commercial real estate projects located in Qualified Opportunity Zones throughout the State of Florida. All our projects will adhere to our Triple Bottom Line mission of People, Planet & Prosperity.
Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs) were established in the federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017. They encourage long-term investment and job creation in targeted communities by reducing taxes for job creators. These zones maintain their designation for ten years and allow our investors to become eligible for preferential tax treatment.
According to the IRS, localities qualify as Opportunity Zones if they have been nominated for that designation by the State and that nomination has been certified by the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury. All 427 Florida zones were fully certified and designated in the State of Florida by the Governor in 2018.
​The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is a concept which helps a business include both social and environmental considerations into their decision-making process, rather than just focusing on the financial bottom line. Naturally, each of our investment projects will have its own unique matrices and TBL goals based on its geographic location and the properties local community needs.
Our goal is to invest one hundred and twenty five million dollars into these QOZs around the State of Florida. We will maintain double digit returns for our investor partners, keep within an environmental framework, achieve our sustainability goals, as well as, fulfill some social needs of the local community in the process.
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